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Sioux City Reads

10 Jan, 2023

Free Film Screening: The Warrior Tradition

By |January 10th, 2023|Adults, Events, Sioux City Reads|

Tuesday, January 24 • 6 – 7:30pm • Aalfs Downtown Library • 529 Pierce St Join the Sioux City Public Library for a screening of the PBS documentary, “The Warrior Tradition” as part of the Sioux City Reads program. Learn about the astonishing, heartbreaking, inspiring, and largely-untold story of Native Americans in the United States military. Why would Indian men and women put their lives on the line for the very government that took their homelands? The film relates the stories of Native American warriors from their own points of view – stories of service and pain, of courage and fear.

26 Oct, 2022

Sioux City Reads 2023 Nominee: Calling for a Blanket Dance by Oscar Hokeah

By |October 26th, 2022|Adults, Events, Sioux City Reads|

Join the Sioux City Public Library for Sioux City Reads, a new community-based reading initiative where Sioux Cityans are involved every step of the way – from book selection to attending programming and book discussions together.   2023 Sioux City Reads book nominee Calling for a Blanket Dance by Oscar Hokeah is an honest, heartbreaking, and ultimately uplifting novel. This deeply engaging debut novel is the story of a young Native American man discovering strength in his familial identity and finding his way home. 

25 Oct, 2022

Sioux City Reads 2023 Nominee: The Lioness by Chris Bohjalian

By |October 25th, 2022|Adults, Events, Sioux City Reads|

Join the Sioux City Public Library for Sioux City Reads, a new community-based reading initiative where Sioux Cityans are involved every step of the way – from book selection to attending programming and book discussions together.   In the Sioux City Reads book nominee The Lioness by Chris Bohjalian, a luxurious African safari turns deadly for a Hollywood starlet and her entourage in this riveting historical thriller. Bohjalian presents a blistering story of fame, race, love, and death set in a world on the cusp of great change.

24 Oct, 2022

Sioux City Reads 2023 Nominee: On a Night of a Thousand Stars by Andrea Yaryura Clark

By |October 24th, 2022|Adults, Events, Sioux City Reads|

Join the Sioux City Public Library for Sioux City Reads, a new community-based reading initiative where Sioux Cityans are involved every step of the way – from book selection to attending programming and book discussions together.   2023 Sioux City Reads book nominee On a Night of a Thousand Stars by Andrea Yaryura Clark is an emotional narrative of love and resilience. A young couple confronts the start of Argentina’s Dirty War in the 1970s, and their daughter searches for truth twenty years later.