Protective masks or face coverings are encouraged at the Sioux City Public Library.
Library News
1st Saturday Family Storytime: Pirates Ahoy! on April 5
Calling all scallywags to report for Pirate duty at the Library! We'll spin tales, sing sea shanties, and practice our seafarin’ skills! Afterwards, make a fun pirate craft and follow a treasure map to find the loot! Don’t miss out, or you’ll be saying “AAARRRGHH!”
STEM Youth Events at the Library on March 22
Get registered for these STEM-themed events happening at the Aalfs Downtown Library on March 22 from 11 am to 12 noon! Ages 8-12 will code a secret handshake and ages 3-7 will have an imaginative journey with stories, beginning coding concepts, and the Library's Bee Bots!
Tips For Being News Savvy Online on March 20
Sharing news with others? In the digital age, anyone can publish anything on the internet, even if it’s completely false. This talk will explain why it has become easier to create and spread misinformation and will introduce you to tools that help you evaluate news sources as well as review helpful fact-checking sites. This talk is presented by Senior Planet Partner Resources.
Sioux City True Crime: Unsolved Mysteries on March 18 and 22
Before advancements in forensic science and DNA analysis, Sioux City faced many unexplained crimes and fatalities. Sarah, our Local History Librarian Specialist, will explore several of these local cases. *The same talk will be given at both events.
Sioux City Reads Poetry Contest
We want to know how this book impacted you – through poetry! Write an original poem, no longer than one page, inspired by the 2025 Sioux City Reads title, Unmask Alice. Submit your poem by Friday, March 14 in-person at any Library location or on the Library's website.
Upcoming Events
Kids & Teens
Aalfs Downtown Library
529 Pierce Street
Monday – Wednesday 9am – 8pm
Thursday – Saturday 9am – 5pm
Sunday (Sept – May) 1pm – 5pm
Click here for a virtual tour!
Free parking on weekends and after 5pm on weekdays
Morningside Branch Library
4005 Morningside Avenue
Monday – Wednesday 10am – 6pm
Thursday – Friday 10am – 5pm
Saturday 9am – 5pm
Click here for a virtual tour!
Perry Creek Branch Library
2912 Hamilton Boulevard
Plaza Professional Center, Lower B
Monday – Friday 10:30am – 5:30pm